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This sketch appeared on the front page of CAAAV's Winter 1996 issue of 'The Voice.' The illustration accompanied the article "Giuliani's Police Makes War on Our Communities." The article included updates on the campaign for justice for Yong Xin…

At the memorial for Yong Xin Huang at Confucius Plaza in Manhattan's Chinatown, participants hold cardboard tombstones showing Asian American victims of police brutality and/or gun violence across the United States.

Protestors participating in the 1996 Racial Justice Day March from City Hall to Tompkins Square Park. Someone is holding a sign with a picture of Yong Xin Huan (a teenage victim of police brutality), his birth and death date, and text reading "We…

The image of a man standing with a clipboard, standing in front of two large posters while Saleem Osman stands behind him, reading through a clipboard.

The giant poster on the left is from the Young Korean American Service and Education Center…

Anibal Carrasquillo Jr. was 21 years old when he was shot in the back by NYPD officer Marco Calderon on January 22, 1995, under the suspicion of looking into vehicles. [1]
Two months later, on March 25, 16-year-old Yong Xin Huang was shot in the…

Protesters gather outside of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office to demand justice for Yong Xin Huang, a Chinese American 16-year-old who was shot and killed by police officer Steven Mizrahi on March 24, 1995, while Huang was playing in a…

Protesters gather outside of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office to demand justice for Yong Xin Huang, a Chinese American 16-year-old who was shot and killed by police officer Steven Mizrahi on March 24, 1995, while Huang was playing in a…

Protesters gather outside of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office to demand justice for Yong Xin Huang, a Chinese American 16-year-old who was shot and killed by police officer Steven Mizrahi on March 24, 1995, while Huang was playing in a…

Protesters gather outside of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office to demand justice for Yong Xin Huang, a Chinese American 16-year-old who was shot and killed by police officer Steven Mizrahi on March 24, 1995, while Huang was playing in a…

Protesters gather outside of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office to demand justice for Yong Xin Huang, a Chinese American 16-year-old who was shot and killed by police officer Steven Mizrahi on March 24, 1995, while Huang was playing in a…
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