This image shows protestors participating in the 1996 Racial Justice march. Two protestors are holding the ends of a large banner that depicts a cartoon drawing of police officers covering two bodies with a large $1 bill. Above the drawing are the…
The image shows protestors at the 1996 Racial Justice Day March. A banner is somewhat visible (obscured by protestors) and advertises Positive Workforce Inc., a New York City-based minority construction advocacy organization dedicated to obtaining…
Protestors participating in the 1996 Racial Justice Day March from City Hall to Tompkins Square Park. Someone is holding a sign with a picture of Yong Xin Huan (a teenage victim of police brutality), his birth and death date, and text reading "We…
This image shows CAAAV members at the 1996 racial justice march. A group of members are marching behind a banner reading "Since Giuliani & Bratton 250% Increase in Police beatings of Asian Americans."
This image shows CAAAV members holding signs at the 1996 racial justice march. A group of members are holding a banner advertising the organization. Behind them is another banner reading "Since Giuliani & Bratton 250% Increase in Police beatings of…
This image was taken at the 1996 Racial Justice March and shows a person holding a sign that says "Remember," and below is a portrait of Yong Xin Huang, a teenager who was shot and killed by the police in Brooklyn while playing outside with a BB gun.…
Members of CAAAV and Black New Yorkers march in protest past the now-demolished Sun Sing Theatre, under the Manhattan Bridge in Manhattan's Chinatown. Protestors hold signs calling for racial justice and an end to police brutality. Banner picutured…
A protestor is holding a sign with a drawing of a large man reaching out to grab a cop with the text "People's Justice" in his hand and "Stop Killer Cops Now!!!" written on top. Protestors were taking part in the 1996 Racial Justice Day March from…
This photo shows two protest signs with pictures of Yong Xin Huang on them, one with the text "remember" and the other with his birth and death date and the text "We shall never forget". These signs were used at the 1996 Racial Justice Day March from…