Black and white photograph of three protestors holding signs that protest welfare reform (one poster is partially obscured). The posters read, "WELFARE 'REFORM' HURTS ASIAN AMERICANS" and "SOUTHEAST ASIANS ARE HERE TO STAY."
In protest of Mayor Giuliani's policies, police brutality, and other issues, coordinated protests across New York City took place, with two tunnels and two bridges being peacefully taken over. CAAAV helped organize the Manhattan Bridge action, which…
Demonstrators hold signs at the protest that say "Remember Yong Xin Huang" and "how many kids must die?" Yong Xin Huang was murdered by the NYPD in March 1995 by an NYPD officer who was later acquitted in May 1995.
Image of signs for the protest that say "Don't Shoot. Kids Playing" and "Would you shoot your own?" with a fake gun. The signs were made to protest the killing of Yong Xin Huang who was murdered at 16 by an NYPD officer.
Protestors hold posters that say "My Brother Did Not Deserve to Die," with images of Yong Xin Huang. Yong Xin Huang was murdered by the NYPD in March 1995 by an NYPD officer who was later acquitted in May 1995.