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  • Tags: Racial Justice Committee

Members of CAAAV and Black New Yorkers march in protest past the now-demolished Sun Sing Theatre, under the Manhattan Bridge in Manhattan's Chinatown. Protestors hold signs calling for racial justice and an end to police brutality. Banner picutured…

“There is no wealth in our silence. Do you still believe policing will protect our community or are you ready to fight against police brutality?” Originally, “況黙不是金, 法理定要爭” (kuàng mò bùshì jīn, fǎlǐ dìng yào zhēng), this poster along with an…
On March 13, 1996, twelve demonstrators took over the office of Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes to demand justice for the police brutality cases involving Yong Xin Huong and Anibal Carrasquillo Jr. The sit-in called for Hynes to indict NYPD Officers…
In protest of Mayor Giuliani's policies, police brutality, and other issues, coordinated protests across New York City took place, with two tunnels and two bridges being peacefully taken over. CAAAV helped organize the Manhattan Bridge action, which…
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