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These photos document a Walk-a-thon organized by an ad-hoc group of Asian organizations (including CAAAV and the Support Committees for David Wong and Yu Kikumura) to raise funds and support for the New York Free Mumia Coalition. 150 marchers holding…
A group of demonstrators outside an office building, holding signs that read, "SOUTHEAST ASIANS ARE HERE TO STAY" and "WELFARE 'REFORM' HURTS ASIAN AMERICANS" among other signs that are partially blocked.

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Injustice: Made in America — Remembering Vincent Chin 1955-1982. On display June 5–6, 1992. Mixed media installation was a joint effort by Godzilla Asian American Arts Network and CAAAV. Chin's photo at center of installation. Here, with script in…
Black and white image of an Asian woman assisting an elderly man in signing forms while other individuals, including another Asian woman, watch. A sign detailing the cause is largely obstructed by people standing in front of it, so whatever they are…
A smiling woman marches in a solidarity protest. Behind her someone is carrying a sign that reads in part "We Charge the U.S. with: Colonization/Military Intervention."
A young woman is interviewed in front of a movie theater by a New York 1 television news reporter and a 1010 WINS radio news reporter during a demonstration protesting the film "Rising Sun"
A woman breakdances on a stage. Behind her stand two men who may also be breakdancers.

“There is no wealth in our silence. Do you still believe policing will protect our community or are you ready to fight against police brutality?” Originally, “況黙不是金, 法理定要爭” (kuàng mò bùshì jīn, fǎlǐ dìng yào zhēng), this poster along with an…
A woman surrounded by other protestors holds up a white rectangular sign that reads, "'The Protocols of Zion' Anti-Asian Style."
Woman standing in front of a blackboard with a list of violations and solutions.
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