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Protesters gather at the 17th precinct police station in Manhattan East Side to protest the police beating of 20-year-old Korean student Yong Kook Ou. Weeks earlier Ou was pulled from his bike and arrested for riding against traffic and severely…
Protestors sit and stand in protest against New York City's Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Signs in this image say "Arrest Giuliani," "Jail Giuliani," and "Indict Giuliani."
A multiracial coalition of protestors marches past Brittany Cafe and Oxford Cafe in New York City (Manhattan). A protestor on the right side of the frame holds a bullhorn, a protestor in the middle of the frame holds a sign that reads, "ARREST…
A large group of protestors gather in Sara D. Roosevelt Park (Lower East Side, Manhattan) to protest against New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. They hold up several signs and posters that read (from left to right) "IMPEACH GIULIANI," "ARREST…
Demonstrators protesting against New York City’s Mayor Rudy Guiliani. They are holding signs that read (from left to right) “IMPEACH GULIANI,” “ARREST GULIANI,” and “RACIST RUDY.”
A demonstrator protests against real estate developer Benjamin Shaoul and gentrification in Chinatown (Manhattan). They hold up a poster that reads, "BENJAMIN SHAOUL HANDS OFF CHINATOWN."
This photographs shows a crowded scene in front of a movie theater. On its marquee, adorned in red block letters, is a title: RISING SUN. On the street, members of CAAAV hold signs as tourists pass by, reading “Japanese men sleeping with white women!…
July 30, 1993: CAAAV summer interns Jonathon Sung Bidol, Ginny Moon, and Julia Wang gather over one-hundred demonstrators outside Times Square’s Criterion Theater to protest Philip Kaufman’s racist film, Rising Sun, on its opening day. “Rising Sun!…
Asian and Black New Yorkers gather in Manhattan's Times Square to protest racism against Asians at the premiere of the film Rising Sun. A sign in the shape of a tombstone bears the writing “Robert Buchanan, August 10, 1992, Olympia, WA,” in memory of…
Asian and Black New Yorkers gather in front of the United Artists Theatre in Manhattan's Times Square to protest racism against Asians at the premiere of the film Rising Sun. Many protestors hold signs as they march.
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