Crowd of individuals from different minority groups/POC participating in a protest against police brutality. CAAAV signs and demonstrators can partially be seen in the background.
A group of people at a demonstration on a city street, a film crew is visible, and a large red sign that reads, "STOP RACIST & ECONOMIC VIOLENCE / Justice NOW!"
A group of people at a demonstration, two people holding a red banner that reads, "_ Asians Against Police Brutality" and three other women holding a yellow sign that reads, "CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities New York City."
Two women stand in front of a large banner that says "Yong Xin Huang, July 17, 1978 - March 24, 1995, Unjustly Killed by the Police." The banner hangs on a chain link fence. One woman holds a pad of paper and an electronic bullhorn so that the second…