Stephen Liu, brother of Mini Liu, holding up the banner he made in his home. CAAAV brought this banner to the Howard Beach Protest against the police mishandling of the murder of Michael Griffith.
A group of people at a demonstration on a city street, a film crew is visible, and a large red sign that reads, "STOP RACIST & ECONOMIC VIOLENCE / Justice NOW!"
Image showing a woman standing in front of a large banner that reads "Stop Racist Violence." There are other people standing behind the banner holding signs. The group is standing outside of the East New York Savings Bank.
A sign that reads "STORE FOR RENT," alongside a phone number, hangs over a store with a closed metal shutter, the latter which has unreadable graffiti painted over it. This picture was most likely taken in Chinatown in New York City.
people at a street protest carrying signs and banners: “NYPD: [...]”, “Asians for Racial Justice”, “[...] Police Officers punch, kick, & sexually abuse Latina [...]”, “[...] Police Abuse Against Lesbians and Gays up 50% from 1996.”
people at a street protest carrying signs and banners: “Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence New York City”, “War Resiste[rs] League”, “John Tan”, “[Les]bians for [...] Justice”
Protestors hold signs of support for Saleem Osman. The demonstrator on the right holds a sign stating "Police the Police" with a drawing of a police officer holding a baton. In the center, a protestor holds a sign in Korean, but the text is largely…