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Ten youth participants and one instructor of a martial arts class in a library
Image showing a group of young people at a meeting. There are newspaper clippings and signs on the wall that read "Pro-Democracy" and another that seems to be anti-violence.
a group of nine young adults sit in circle during a meeting at CAAAV
Seven young adults sit during a meeting at CAAAV
Eight young adults participate in an activity at CAAAV
Five young adults link arms under a banner, “McCall Students from Chinatown Deserve a Schoolbus” at CAAAV
Young adults participate in an activity at CAAAV
A multiracial group of youths marches down a New York City street to protest against anti-Asian violence. Five youths in the front hold a banner that reads "COMMITTEE AGAINST ANTI-ASIAN VIOLENCE CAAAV NEW YORK CITY."
Black and white photograph of a group of youths marching through Chinatown (Manhattan) to protest police brutality. They carry several signs that read (from left to right), "[...] POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY," "ALEX [...]," "JOHN [...]," and "SHAME ON…
A group of demonstrators, mostly youths, protest outside a building bearing the name "XANADU" on W 45th Street in Times Square (Manhattan). In the foreground, two young women speak into a microphone, a young boy wears a sign that reads, "ASIAN…
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