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  • Tags: Event
On June 27, 1989, CAAAV and the New York Asian Women's Center collaborated on the coordination of a community forum discussing the verdict of the Dong Lu Chen case. The forum's goals were to extend continued support to battered Asian women in their…
A man standing in front of a microphone and holding a poster that reads: “People of Color for Peace & Justice, No War No Racism.”
Four women dancing in their traditional dress.

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Four women dancing in their traditional dress.

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Three people in winter coats fill out forms on clipboards at a table. Behind a table, a fourth person is directing them.

A woman breakdances on a stage. Behind her stand two men who may also be breakdancers.
A boy stands on a stage in ceremonial dress, including a beaded necklace and a staff. Behind him are two men, also dressed ceremonially and holding rattles.
A man breakdances by spinning on his head. A woman and two men, who may also be breakdancers, watch in the background.
From left to right, the older woman is seemingly preparing to read aloud from a pink flashcard, while the man to her right is giving her a gentle side hug. To the far left, a man holding the flags of Ecuador and the United States looks towards the…
Four women in costume perform a traditional Palestinian dance at a CAAAV benefit.
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