A group of people taking part in the 1997 Racial Justice Day demonstration, holding banners and signs. One sign reads "ASIANS / FOR / RACIAL / JUSTICE."
A group of people at a Racial Justice Day demonstration, with a man and a woman holding a partially obstructed banner that reads "ASIANS / RACIST JUSTICE" and several demonstrators holding signs with dates and descriptions of past injustices.
A group of people at a demonstration, walking in a circle in front of an office building, with one woman holding a sign that reads, "BREAK THE SILENCE: EXPOSE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN."
A group of demonstrators outside an office building, holding signs that read, "SOUTHEAST ASIANS ARE HERE TO STAY" and "WELFARE 'REFORM' HURTS ASIAN AMERICANS" among other signs that are partially blocked.
A group of people at a demonstration, two people holding a red banner that reads, "_ Asians Against Police Brutality" and three other women holding a yellow sign that reads, "CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities New York City."
A group of people at a demonstration on a city street, a film crew is visible, and a large red sign that reads, "STOP RACIST & ECONOMIC VIOLENCE / Justice NOW!"
Two women looking at a booklet whose title reads, "Domestic Workers United"; the two women wear name tags that read, from left to right, "Fenny" and "Martiyah."