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A close-up shot of a damaged bathtub and sink in the bathroom of an apartment building in Chinatown (Manhattan). The tub's shower curtain is pulled back to reveal missing tiles on the wall and bathroom floor, a missing bathtub faucet (water dribbles…
Protestors march for Racial Justice Day 1997. The three visible signs state " Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence, New York City," "Asians for Racial Justice," and "Asians for Racial Justice."
Group of demonstrators in New York City protesting against racism, anti-Asian violence etc. Main focus is a boy playing a large red drum and a boy in front of a microphone holding a sign that says, "EBONY AND IVORY LIVE TOGETHER IN BIOPOLARITY.…
Protestors are marching for Racial Justice Day near the West Side Highway. The two visible signs state "Asian Racial Justice" and "Asians for Racial Justice."
This image depicts a crowded sidewalk and empty roadway in Chinatown.

One member of the group is taking a "selfie" or self-portrait of themselves standing in front of the group. The rest of the group is conversing among themselves.
Focus of the photograph are three Asian individuals participating in a demonstration, two of whom are wearing signs. Other individuals and signs can be seen in the background, including a prominent one from the Asian American Legal Defense and…
Group of smiling Asian youths carry large, yellow CAAAV banner and other signs during a demonstration.
A large group of people at a Palestine support demonstration. Most of them are holding signs, banners, and posters, some of which read from left to right "HAS AMERICA GONE MAD?," "JUSTICE NOT WAR," "NO TO WAR," "NO ENDLESS WAR," "NOT ANOTHER VICTIM…
"Ghouliani, Racist," "Giuliani=Racist Police," "A corporate stooge and fascist for crimes against constitution and civil rights violations," these are some of the outcries that can be seen lifted towards the skies against former New York City Mayor…
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