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Footage of rally outside 5th Police Precinct held in support of arrested activists who were being held inside. The activists were released incrementally over the course of the rally, to the cheers of the crowd. Some activists were not released and…
An activist stands onstage and speaks into a microphone. They hold a poster that reads "No War No Racism" and "People of Color for Peace & Justice" in English, Arabic, and Spanish. They wear a button that reads "War is not the answer."
Alden Residential Building

Youth volunteers standing around in a circle. Signs on the wall read "Affordable Housing Now!" and "No Stadium Chinatown."

1992_February_CAAAV general meeting_0002_a.jpg
In the first photo, Yuri Kochiyama and a participant are sitting and talking with each other. In the second photo, another participant and Kazu Iijima are speaking with each other.

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On January 21, 1988, protesters marched down Fifth Ave, Manhattan to demonstrate against the Howard Beach verdict, where three defendants were found guilty of manslaughter in the death of Michael Griffith. Griffith, 23, was beaten and chased by a…
A young male activist holds a sign that reads "No time to celebrate. FIGHT! for our heritage," with a drawing of a raised fist. He is speaking to two people, one of whom is taking notes.
This image depicts a crowded sidewalk and empty roadway in Chinatown.

Protestors are protesting against anti-Asian, racist, behaviors. The protestors are holding up their signs and the only fully visible sign says "The Protocols of Zion' Anti-Asian Style."
A group of performers in front of an audience, holding instruments.
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