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Asian youths at a protest holding signs that read: “...Asians Against Police Brutality” and “CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities New York City."
A young Asian woman stands at a podium to read. Six other youths stand in line next to the podium, waiting to speak with papers in hand.
Ten jubilant Asian youths gather together and smile for a photo. They stand at the top of some stairs outside on a sunny afternoon.
A young Asian man addresses the room, standing next to a poster with text and images about CAAAV. Two of his peers sit in chairs against the wall; above them is a colorful banner bearing CAAAV’s title.
Group of smiling Asian youths carry large, yellow CAAAV banner and other signs during a demonstration.
Asian woman dressed in cultural clothing giving a performance onstage.
A young Black woman checks the blood pressure of an older Asian woman, who turns to smile at the camera. They sit at a table with a few other women of color, and in the back of the room is a sign for CAAAV’s Women Workers Project.
A group of female youth volunteers standing in front of a building with a sign that reads "Asian Americans United."
A group of young people in front of a storefront with signs in the windows that read, "Asian / Americans / UNITED" and "AAU"
Crowd congregated to protest police brutality. Several people hold signs calling for a stop to police brutality.
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