A young woman is interviewed in front of a movie theater by a New York 1 television news reporter and a 1010 WINS radio news reporter during a demonstration protesting the film "Rising Sun"
At first glance, this photograph may seem vague or confusing to the viewer. The image captures an older CAAAV member speaking to a large gathering of protesters outside of a movie theater in downtown Manhattan. While no movie title is included in the…
Image showing a street demonstration. People in the front hold a large yellow banner that reads "Whose Streets? OUR Streets!" in red and "Chinatown Street Vendors Assoc." in blue. Other demonstrators hold signs that read "Arrest Giuliani" and "Mr.…
Image showing a woman standing in front of a large banner that reads "Stop Racist Violence." There are other people standing behind the banner holding signs. The group is standing outside of the East New York Savings Bank.
A demonstrator protests against real estate developer Benjamin Shaoul and gentrification in Chinatown (Manhattan). They hold up a poster that reads, "BENJAMIN SHAOUL HANDS OFF CHINATOWN."
Black and white photograph of a group of youths marching through Chinatown (Manhattan) to protest police brutality. They carry several signs that read (from left to right), "[...] POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY," "ALEX [...]," "JOHN [...]," and "SHAME ON…
A group of demonstrators, mostly youths, protest outside a building bearing the name "XANADU" on W 45th Street in Times Square (Manhattan). In the foreground, two young women speak into a microphone, a young boy wears a sign that reads, "ASIAN…