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A woman breakdances on a stage. Behind her stand two men who may also be breakdancers.
Three people in winter coats fill out forms on clipboards at a table. Behind a table, a fourth person is directing them.

A group of people stand at the curb outside of a building. There is a sign in Chinese on the building. There is a mural of a people on the side of the building, and graffiti across the front.

Demonstrators outside of the Roundabout Theatre in Times Square protesting the opening of the film Rising Sun. One man is holding a drum, while the other holds a sign.
Demonstrators protesting against New York City’s Mayor Rudy Guiliani. They are holding signs that read (from left to right) “IMPEACH GULIANI,” “ARREST GULIANI,” and “RACIST RUDY.”
Demonstrators outside of the United Artists Theatres in Times Square protesting the opening of the film Rising Sun. The banner in the center of this photo reads “Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence.”
Two women and three children standing on a small stage at a Youth Leadership Project community event. The children are holding brightly colored posters as a man holding a microphone addresses the audience.
Two children holding orange and pink posters at a Youth Leadership Project community event.
A man and a woman speaking to an audience while standing on top of an orange pickup truck. There are five posters taped to the side of the truck that all begin with “We Charge The U.S. with…” and read as follows (from left to right): “Prohibiting…
A group poses for a photo in Chinatown. They are holding a sign written in Mandarin that reads (according to Google translate): “Protect human rights deeply! Protecting immigrants in Chinatown.”
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