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  • Tags: Racial Justice Committee
Two female CAAAV members collecting the signature of a man riding a bicycle while a man and woman pass behind them.
A group of people of various races process along a city street. Visible signs read "Asians for Racial Justice"
Activists process down a street, holding a sign that reads "Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence New York City." In the background, another banner reads "Asians for Racial Justice."
A group of men at a demonstration on Fith Avenue in New York City, walking and standing in front of a held banner that reads "CHINATOWN VENDORS (obscured)." To the right, one of those men is holding a sign that reads "ARREST GIULIANI."
A group of people at a demonstration against anti-Asian violence holding signs and banners. From left to right, the two discernible ones are the white banner that reads "THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION. ANTI-ASIAN STYLE" and the red sign that reads " COMMITTEE…
A multiracial coalition of protestors marches down a street, demonstrating solidarity with Asian communities.
Black and white photograph of three protestors holding signs that protest welfare reform (one poster is partially obscured). The posters read, "WELFARE 'REFORM' HURTS ASIAN AMERICANS" and "SOUTHEAST ASIANS ARE HERE TO STAY."
A protestor wearing a white armband raises their fist in solidarity with oppressed peoples. Two additional protestors and a police officer stand in the background.
A multiracial group of demonstrators protests anti-Asian violence. A banner above them reads, "STOP RACIST VIOLENCE" and "COALITION AGAINST ANTI-ASIAN VIOLENCE."
A woman speaks into a microphone while three demonstrators stand behind her. A banner behind the demonstrators reads, "[ASIAN] AMERICAN [LEGAL] DEFENSE."
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