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Women of color hold signs decrying poor treatment of domestic workers in NYC during a demonstration near the headquarters of the United Nations. Some demonstrators wear t-shirts listing the names of CAAAV and two other social justice organizations:…
A group of men at a demonstration on Fith Avenue in New York City, walking and standing in front of a held banner that reads "CHINATOWN VENDORS (obscured)." To the right, one of those men is holding a sign that reads "ARREST GIULIANI."

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People at an event commemorating the 10th anniversary of the death of Vincent Chin, holding signs bearing the names of anti-Asian violence victims. Behind them, a banner in English and Chinese reads "Coalition to Commemorate Vincent Chin."

Protest signs display the name and logo of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) and Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV).
Young protesters holds a sign at a demonstration against the film "Rising Sun"; "[We De]mand [Better] Roles [for Asian] Actors"

This photograph from May 1994 shows participants in a demonstration for Saleem Osman. The main focus is on three men at the center of the image with some people visible in front and many people following behind. The participants are on the sidewalk…
Multiple CAAAV protesters with orange vests stand in a line in a park. One of the vests has a "Free Palestine" sticker attached to it

Demonstrators holding signs in English and Khmer outside the Montefiore Family Health Clinic in the Bronx. The English signs read, "Health care is a human right" and "Protect our rights to equal health care."

CAAAV's Youth Leadership Project (YLP)…

Demonstrators holding signs in English outside the Montefiore Family Health Clinic in the Bronx. The signs read, "Stop Discrimination" and "Translation Provides Language Skills, Assistance, Services, Good Health."

CAAAV's Youth Leadership Project…

As Governor Pataki headed to an Asian-American Heritage Month celebration in midtown, 80 protesters gathered nearby to voice their concerns. Organized by the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV), the protest highlighted the detrimental…
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