Channel 4 Report on Kim Huyn’s Case Against Police Harassment and Violence
Channel 4 Report on Kim Huyn’s Case Against Police Harassment and Violence
Video opens with an advertisement. Report by Gabe Pressman of Channel 4 News, as part of a series on police brutality. Kim Huyn, Chinese-American 17 year old, boarded the bus in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn to commute to her high school, when the bus driver verbally assaulted her before two police officers physically and verbally attacked Huyn and unlawfully arrested her. CAAAV advocated for and supported Huyn as she pursued a case against the police department.
Huyn describes her attack and subsequent arrest. After she showed her bus pass to the driver, he asked her why she “shoved it in his face;” Huyn, confused, told him she didn’t shove the bus pass, and asked him not to take his anger out on her. The driver became angrier, stopped the bus, and called a police officer who told her to go to the back of the bus. When she refused, the officer pushed her against the side of the bus for “resisting arrest.” Huyn, five-feet tall, insisted she could not move, let alone resist arrest as the over 6’-foot-tall police officer attacked her. A woman police officer shoved Huyn into a police car. When Huyn tried to explain how the other officer mistreated and hurt her, the woman told her to “shut up” before punching Huyn in the side of her face. She was unlawfully arrested for Disorderly Conduct, and the charges against were officially dropped in June 1999.
Pressan interviewed Walter Mack, of NYPD Internal Affairs, who said he would look into the case of Kim Huyn and encouraged others to come forward when they experience police misconduct and violence.
Huyn tearfully shared how her grades were affected as she struggled with the trauma from her attack.
Pressman ended the report by informing the audience that the review board would not be able to investigate Huyn’s case for months.
Huyn describes her attack and subsequent arrest. After she showed her bus pass to the driver, he asked her why she “shoved it in his face;” Huyn, confused, told him she didn’t shove the bus pass, and asked him not to take his anger out on her. The driver became angrier, stopped the bus, and called a police officer who told her to go to the back of the bus. When she refused, the officer pushed her against the side of the bus for “resisting arrest.” Huyn, five-feet tall, insisted she could not move, let alone resist arrest as the over 6’-foot-tall police officer attacked her. A woman police officer shoved Huyn into a police car. When Huyn tried to explain how the other officer mistreated and hurt her, the woman told her to “shut up” before punching Huyn in the side of her face. She was unlawfully arrested for Disorderly Conduct, and the charges against were officially dropped in June 1999.
Pressan interviewed Walter Mack, of NYPD Internal Affairs, who said he would look into the case of Kim Huyn and encouraged others to come forward when they experience police misconduct and violence.
Huyn tearfully shared how her grades were affected as she struggled with the trauma from her attack.
Pressman ended the report by informing the audience that the review board would not be able to investigate Huyn’s case for months.
Channel 4
July 1994
Cataloged by Tess Derby.
Copyright is held by Channel 4 News.
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These materials are made available by CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities for educational and scholarly use. If you are the rights holder and believe our inclusion of this material on our website violates your rights (e.g. inclusion is not covered by the Fair Use or other exemption to a copyright holder’s rights), please contact us and we will take down the material.
Original Format
Channel 4, “Channel 4 Report on Kim Huyn’s Case Against Police Harassment and Violence ,” CAAAV Digital Archive, accessed March 7, 2025,