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Youth volunteers standing around in a circle. Signs on the wall read "Affordable Housing Now!" and "No Stadium Chinatown."
Alden Residential Building

An activist stands onstage and speaks into a microphone. They hold a poster that reads "No War No Racism" and "People of Color for Peace & Justice" in English, Arabic, and Spanish. They wear a button that reads "War is not the answer."

Footage of rally outside 5th Police Precinct held in support of arrested activists who were being held inside. The activists were released incrementally over the course of the rally, to the cheers of the crowd. Some activists were not released and…

Footage from rally and march from 1 Police Plaza to Chinatown. Includes a contentious discussion about race between a protestor and
a police officer. Speakers include Saleem Osman(?), Yong Xin Huang's sister, Altagracia Mayi, Anibal Carrasquillo…
A group poses for a photo in Chinatown. They are holding a sign written in Mandarin that reads (according to Google translate): “Protect human rights deeply! Protecting immigrants in Chinatown.”

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Injustice: Made in America — Remembering Vincent Chin 1955-1982. On display June 5–6, 1992. Mixed media installation was a joint effort by Godzilla Asian American Arts Network and CAAAV. Text and objects explain and symbolize the compounding layers…

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Injustice: Made in America — Remembering Vincent Chin 1955-1982. On display June 5–6, 1992. Mixed media installation was a joint effort by Godzilla Asian American Arts Network and CAAAV. Text and objects explain and symbolize the compounding layers…
A group of people at a demonstration, two people holding a red banner that reads, "_ Asians Against Police Brutality" and three other women holding a yellow sign that reads, "CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities New York City."

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Penny Fujiko Willgerodt (left), coordinator of CAAAV Newsletter Committee, holding banner that says "Stop Racial Violence." Kazu Iijima (right), Japanese-American activist and co-founder of Asian Americans for Action in New York City, which drew from…
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