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Main focus is on a white man on the sidewalk holding a sign stating, "Drivers Want Justice" as part of a Lease Drivers Coalition (LDC) initiative. Other non-white people are involved as well, but are partially blocked by the man in front.
Group of Asian people holding signs with the names and death dates of victims of anti-Asian violence during the 1980s and 1990s. The largest and most prominent sign has the name of Vincent Chin on it.
A group of people at a demonstration, holding a banner that says "Asians for Mumia."
Two women stand in front of a large banner that says "Yong Xin Huang, July 17, 1978 - March 24, 1995, Unjustly Killed by the Police." The banner hangs on a chain link fence. One woman holds a pad of paper and an electronic bullhorn so that the second…
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