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Protesters gather at the 17th precinct police station in Manhattan East Side to protest the police beating of 20-year-old Korean student Yong Kook Ou. Weeks earlier Ou was pulled from his bike and arrested for riding against traffic and severely…

CAAAV members standing in front of a sign that reads "Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence," protesting the film Rising Sun at its opening in Times Square.

CAAAV, along with dozens of other Asian American organizations across the country,…

Demonstration at 1 Police Plaza to Chinatown 5th Precinct after arrests during the Manhattan Bridge Takeover protesting Mayor Giuliani’s oppressive police policies. Photo depicts protestors holding memorial signs. One reads "Manuel Mayi murdered by …

Demonstration at 1 Police Plaza to Chinatown 5th Precinct after arrests during the Manhattan Bridge Takeover protesting Mayor Giuliani’s oppressive police policies. Photo depicts protestors holding memorial signs. A protestor holds a sign reading "GO…
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