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Image shows performers and attendees at a sold-out fundraiser concert held by CAAAV at the Public Theater. The benefit featured performances by drumming groups Soh Daiko, Djembe Ensemble, Umuncha, Kindig Sindaw, MAD Rumheros, La Troupe Makandal, and…

Image shows supporters gathered outside the Manhattan Criminal Court on Saleem Osman's court day. The group is listening to someone speaking out of frame. Yuri Kochiyama stands at center right. Kochiyama and others in the photo wear a pink and purple…

Image shows Saleem Osman (left) with his lawyer Michael Deutsch (right), the Legal Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, standing in front of the Manhattan Criminal Court.

Saleem Osman, who coordinated CAAAV's Lease Drivers Coalition,…

Image shows Saleem Osman (center) with CAAAV organizers Steve Mitra (left) and Gloria Lum (right) outside the Manhattan Criminal Court after Osman's trial. Pink and purple striped ribbons are pinned to Osman and Lum's shirts.

Saleem Osman, who…

Image shows four people on what appears to be a speaker panel or reading at the Public Theater. The three people on the left are holding paper and pens. The man at center is speaking. Yuri Kochiyama (second from left) sits next to him. The woman on…

Image taken at Racial Justice Day 1998. People lined up, holding signs. Signs read "Racial Justice Day" "Asians for Racial Justice" "Police the police."

1998 was the first time Racial Justice Day was organized by the Coalition Against Police…

Photos show protestors' signs at the 1996 Racial Justice Day rally. One sign reads, "Meet New York's finest... KILLER." The other sign shows a person reaching out a hand with "PEOPLES' JUSTICE" written on the palm towards a cowering police officer.…

Demonstrators holding signs in English and Khmer outside the Montefiore Family Health Clinic in the Bronx. The English signs read, "Health care is a human right" and "Protect our rights to equal health care."

CAAAV's Youth Leadership Project (YLP)…

Image shows a demonstration for "Mrs. O" in 1998. Three people hold a CAAAV banner that says "Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence New York City." Other people hold signs that say "Our community supports survivor of rape & sexual assault," "Stop…

A group of protestors barricaded to the side of the road by police lines. Most are sitting or lying on the ground with their signs. One protestor, standing, is holding a drum.
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