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Four women, three young and one old, wearing a bindi, sit around a small table with pens and pads of paper on it. One woman is speaking to others in the room off-camera. Behind them is a whiteboard upon which a timetable is partially visible.
A woman CAAAV Justice Project member wearing an orange vest converses with another woman at a demonstration. A blue NYPD barricade and other demonstrators are behind them.
Seven dancers in traditional regalia dance in a circle around an eighth person playing a tall drum stood up in front of him outdoors in a large paved square. Behind them is a large crowd of people watching the performance.
Six CAAAV members wearing orange vests inscribed with "Justice" on the back face away from the camera towards a group of people. A woman standing with them has a "Free Palestine" sticker on her backpack.
A group of CAAAV members stands on a sidewalk with a large banner held up with two poles that reads, "Stop Racist Violence: Coalition Against Anti-Asian Violence."
In the foreground are two women holding large tombstone-shaped signs upon which are written the names and dates of death of Asians and Asian Americans. In the background is other protestors, including a man holding up a similar sign facing away from…
In the middle ground, a sign protesting police brutality is propped up against a pole during a demonstration, protestors surrounding it and in the background. A young boy in a blue tie-dyed shirt stands near another pole in the foreground. The sign…
A woman surrounded by other protestors holds up a white rectangular sign that reads, "'The Protocols of Zion' Anti-Asian Style."
A woman at a microphone makes a speech standing in front of protest signs, the largest of which displays the name and logo of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF).
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