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A woman stands with her back to the camera looking at a gated storefront in Chinatown. Its yellow sign with black Chinese characters is obscured by three "Store for Rent" signs. Its protective grate, like the building to its right, is covered in…
A brownstone in Chinatown has a painter's rope balcony suspended halfway up. Four painters are working to paint it a bland tan color in order to attract renters, as both the brownstone and the ground floor, graffitied storefront have "for rent"'…
The corner storefront of an old building in Chinatown is dilapidated and boarded up. Numerous movie posters are adhered to it. The photograph was taken from the diagonal corner.

A woman performer, barefoot in traditional dress, speaks into a microphone on a stand as she holds a small gong suspended on rope and a mallet in her left hand. She wears a white undershirt with three-quarter sleeves under a floor-length colorful…
Three musicians, two women and a man, stand amidst a seated audience. They are wearing bright blue, yellow, green, red, black, and white costumes, with scarves tied crisscrossed across their chestst. Two are playing small metal drums with a mallet,…
Seven performers, three women and two men, are onstage. Five, all wearing white, are lined up at the very back of the stage. Two are forward from the line, a man in white wearing a cloth bag, head bowed, and a woman barefoot wearing a blue patterned…
Four people stand behind a table laden with food and an uncut birthday cake. Behind them is a whiteboard upon which pieces of paper with planning sequences, such as "Karaoke (optional)...BBQ Fundraiser...In with the NEW, Strengthen UNITY among…
A green highway sign reading "Exit 3, 8 Ave, 7 Ave, 1/2 Mile" is bolted to the side of a pedestrian bridge over a highway. A large handmade sign is hung from the chain link fence protecting the bridge beside it which reads, "Rights for All Workers."
Built in 1900, the marble 118-122 Baxter Street facade has the name and number of the building written in large gold metal letters in both English and Chinese next to the door.
In a documentary-style video, the Chinese Staff and Workers' Association (CSWA) showcases striking Asian workers at the Silver Palace Restaurant in Chinatown. The workers organized into a union, but those who had joined were fired and it was not…
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