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Youth organizers arrive to stage a sit in protest at the Civil Rights office.
Volunteer dancers performing at benefit for CAAAV.
Three women helping to run a CAAAV event are visible standing on one side of a table laden with food undertaking its distribution to others, just off-camera.
Three police officers stand together in a crowd, backs facing the camera, to the side of the bronze revolving doors of a police building. They are being filmed by a camera with boom mic seen in part on the right side of the photo. Others in the crowd…
A smiling woman marches in a solidarity protest. Behind her someone is carrying a sign that reads in part "We Charge the U.S. with: Colonization/Military Intervention."
Two women stand in front of a banner on a chain link fence. It reads, "Yong Xin Huang, July 17, 1978-March 24, 1995, Unjustly Killed by the Police." One woman holds a pad of paper and an electronic bullhorn so that the second woman can speak into it…
Protestors standing, sitting, or laying down in the street in front of a blue wooden NYPD barricade hold signs with the names and dates of People of Color murdered by the police. Behind the barricades, away from the protestors, a group of NYPD…
A man in a colorful patterned short-sleeved shirt holds up a sign during a march which reads, "Stop Pitting Asians & African Americans Against Each Other." Skyscrapers tower behind him.
Members of CAAAV congregate under a large banner held up with two poles which reads, "Stop Racist Violence: Coalition Against Anti-Asian Violence." Also present are members of the Black community with which they are demonstrating.
A group of eleven CAAAV members pose together in front of some windows to take a photograph. Ten of them are wearing orange vests with "CAAAV" embroidered above the left breast pocket.
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