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Two people hold a large banner stating "INS Tortures Wackenhut Hunger Strikes" outside of the Wackenhut Detention Center in Queens, NY. Prisoners began hunger strikes in protest of brutal prison conditions and to motivate the INS to review prisoner…
A group of Chinatown Tenants Union members at a demonstration against rent increase holding banners and signs that read from left to right "L.E.S. SAYS NO TO RENT INCREASE," "0%," "NO RENT INCREASE," "UNITED TENANTS (obscured)," "HOME RULE FOR TENANT…

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From left to right holding signs, Jinsoo Kim, Marsha Tajima, and Donald Suggs holding signs with anti-violence phrases. Others move behind them throughout the protest gathering area.
A picture of a highrise building taken from the street.

A large group of people at a Palestine support demonstration. Most of them are holding signs, banners, and posters, some of which read from left to right "HAS AMERICA GONE MAD?," "JUSTICE NOT WAR," "NO TO WAR," "NO ENDLESS WAR," "NOT ANOTHER VICTIM…

A photo of several Women Workers Project members holding food and drink at a meeting of the Asian Women's Leadership and Health Advocacy Course, a month-long course held at Hunter College for Asian domestic workers. The program, launched by WWP in…
Fifteen youths take a group photograph in front of the office of Asian Americans United (AAU) in Philadelphia.
Sixteen young adults pose for a group photo in a park
Asian youths pose for a group photo in front of a building.
A group of Asian youths posing for a group photo in a park.
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