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A group of police offers stand next to a group of protestors at a rally against police brutality. A long-haired protestor wears an orange vest that says "Justice."
A pile of protest signs. One sign reads "Not another racist killing."
On July 27, 1999, inmates at Wackenhut Immigration Detention Center in Queens went on a hunger strike, demanding the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) review pending parole for political asylum cases and improve the conditions in the…
A group of protestors listen to a speaker. Many are wearing orange vests. A visible sign reads "A badge does not justify murder."
Group of activists standing together, holding signs against the INS' detainment of immigrants at Wackenhut Prison in Queens. Signs read: "Freedom for Wackenhut's Detainees," "Freedom for INS Detainees," "Punished for Demanding Freedom," and "Repeal…
A poster against a red backdrop reads "Yong Xin Huang, 16 years old, murdered by NYPD police officer Steven Mizrahi, March 24, 1995, Brooklyn NYC."
Young man of Asian ancestry stands with a microphone in one hand and a paper in the other, delivering a speech. Audience is not pictured.
Two women stand at a microphone. Person on right holds and paper and speaks, both are wearing black and the event appears to take place at night.

Large group performs music on various percussion instruments, ensemble is costumed and people dance in foreground of photo. Another crowd stands in the background and watches the performance.
A girl and boy of unknown ethnicities conduct a presentation together to an audience out of frame. The girl is speaking into a microphone and holding a paper, while the boy is looking over a paper in his hand.
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