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Vacant storefront with for rent signs.
Building housing a jewelry store, travel agency, and Western Union with for rent signs in window.
A costumed dancer performing on a stage.
A crowd marches through Time Square chanting to the beat of a bright red drum. The demonstrators, unfazed by billboards looming overhead, brandish signs and banners of their own. Their destination? A movie theater.

The activists pictured above…
Throughout CAAAV’s history, this organization has been highly involved in protesting against anti-Asian violence and unfair representations of Asian individuals. When exploring CAAAV’s newly archived photographs under the “Anti-Asian Violence and…
Activist gives a speech at a protest against the opening of the movie Rising Sun at Times Square's Criterion Theater. Speaker wears a suit with a button featuring the crossed-out word "Hate" and is filmed by TV cameras while standing in front of…
Activists at the protest against the opening of the movie Rising Sun at Times Square's Criterion Theater. CAAAV protestors hold a banner reading: "Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence" and a sign shaped like a tombstone that partially reads: "Hung…
Tenants and their children talk around a table at a tenants' meeting. Notes about muggings are written on a large paper hanging on a bulletin board.
An individual stands and speaks in the center of several rows of chairs during a forum-based meeting. At least ten other participants sit around them and listen.
Three people walk down a New York street. The middle is holding a sign that reads "Break the Silence, Expose Violence Against Women."
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