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A large group of people stand on a raised platform. Almost are holding a posters with the name and image of someone who was killed by police. On the left, Yong Xin Huang's sister holds a poster with the words "The police killed my brother" above a…

A group of female workers are protesting and picketing on the sidewalk with banners that read "Stop Exploitation of Workers", "Slavery was abolished in the US", "Stop Bringing Slavers, We Are Watching You Andolan".
Demonstrators hold a banner for the Filipino Workers Center.
Five young women walk in a circle at the front of the room. They are holding conical hats and appear to be performing.
In 2000, CAAAV’s Youth Leadership Project (YLP) produced a short documentary entitled Eating Welfare: Asians and Welfare in New York City. Created in the wake of the aggressive welfare reform of the 1990s, the film explores the lives of Southeast…
Three women helping to run a CAAAV event are visible standing on one side of a table laden with food undertaking its distribution to others, just off-camera.

1989_June_Forum on murder by Dong Lu Chen_0001.jpg
In the case of the murder of Jian Wan Chen at the hands of her husband, Dong Lu Chen, the latter was sentenced to five years' probation, setting a new precedent of so-called cultural defense. In this photo, Monona Yin of CAAAV speaks at a forum to…
Four volunteers speak at a demonstration.
Four speakers stand onstage at an event. Middle two are reading from a pink notecard, and a person on the far left holds flags from Ecuador and the United States of America.

Four volunteers converse outside. Two of them are wearing orange vests.
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