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Image showing CAAAV volunteers. One volunteer is holding a pen while another rests a hand on a table.
CAAAV banners being held up in front of a movie theater that is advertising the film Rising Sun. There is also a camera on a tripod.
A young woman is interviewed in front of a movie theater by a New York 1 television news reporter and a 1010 WINS radio news reporter during a demonstration protesting the film "Rising Sun"
This image shows a man holding a sign that reads in part: “We Demand Better Roles for Asian Actors''[1] at a demonstration at the opening of the film Rising Sun at the United Artist Theatre in Times Square. On July 30th, 1993, CAAAV, along with…
Demonstrators in front of a movie theater in Times Square protesting the film Rising Sun. Demonstrators hold up a yellow banner that seems to read "Asian Americans for Equality."
Image showing CAAAV demonstrators protesting the movie Rising Sun in Times Square. One protestor holds a sign that reads "The Protocols of Zion Anti-Asian Style."
Following the release of the film Rising Sun on July 30, 1993, members of the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV), along with members of numerous other activist organizations such as the New York Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans, took…
Two people lean down on a table filling out paper on clipboards.
Youth volunteers standing around in a circle. Signs on the wall read "Affordable Housing Now!" and "No Stadium Chinatown."
Three youth volunteers chatting. One of them is referring to a piece of paper on her lap.
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