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A young Asian man addresses the room, standing next to a poster with text and images about CAAAV. Two of his peers sit in chairs against the wall; above them is a colorful banner bearing CAAAV’s title.
Ten jubilant Asian youths gather together and smile for a photo. They stand at the top of some stairs outside on a sunny afternoon.
A young Asian woman stands at a podium to read. Six other youths stand in line next to the podium, waiting to speak with papers in hand.
Asian youths at a protest holding signs that read: “...Asians Against Police Brutality” and “CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities New York City."
A group of people at a demonstration, holding a banner that says "Asians for Mumia."
A group of people at the 1997 Racial Justice Day demonstration for racial justice and against police brutality, holding banners and signs that read "Asians for Racial Justice." The people being shown are mostly cut out of the picture, and only one…

Footage of a panel organized by NYU and CAAAV featuring Marilyn Young as the moderator, Risa Morimoto, Una Chaudhuri, Sudipto Chatterjee, Eric Tang (associated with CAAAV), and Cyrus Patel. Topic of panel was Asians in America. Each panelist speaks…
Image shows an upward view of the ceiling of a bathroom and part of a shower curtain. Cracks in the ceiling are being held together by some sort of tape, demonstrating inadequate and unsafe living conditions.
This image shows a man holding a sign that reads in part: “We Demand Better Roles for Asian Actors''[1] at a demonstration at the opening of the film Rising Sun at the United Artist Theatre in Times Square. On July 30th, 1993, CAAAV, along with…
Four people stand behind a table laden with food and an uncut birthday cake. Behind them is a whiteboard upon which pieces of paper with planning sequences, such as "Karaoke (optional)...BBQ Fundraiser...In with the NEW, Strengthen UNITY among…
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