Browse Items (634 total)

P1 and P2 are audio only interview of B. Minnich and Victor Bascera(?) by L. Chua, about their relationship with SPAM as Filipinos. Intended for cutaways from interviews. P3, P4, P5, and the first third of P6 are a sitdown video interview with…

Footage of a church service and subsequent community meal held at Rainbow Center. Speeches made mostly in Chinese. Speech in English in P5. Also Chinese musical, dance, and comedy performances.

Footage of interview conducted in Spanish with Jorge and in English with Juan, who works as an organizer at Latino Workers Center. He explains that Taste Bud food delivery workers were being mistreated, being given no rights, inhumane working…

Footage of interview conducted in Spanish with Mele.

Joanne Lum gives a guided tour of some of the objects held by the Chinatown History Museum. Footage shot of other material in the museum along with casual conversation with Lum. Also footage of a formal interview with Lum about her work with the CSWA…

Footage from the vigil for Yong Xin Huang, organized by CAAAV on the day before what would have been his seventeenth birthday. Speakers include CAAAV organizer, and family and friends of Yong Xin Huang. Speeches said in English and translated to…

Footage of rally outside 5th Police Precinct held in support of arrested activists who were being held inside. The activists were released incrementally over the course of the rally, to the cheers of the crowd. Some activists were not released and…

Footage from march against police brutality.
Speakers include Altagracia Mayi (spanish), CAAAV organizer. Organizations involved include NCPRR and CAAAV.

Footage from rally and march from 1 Police Plaza to Chinatown. Includes a contentious discussion about race between a protestor and
a police officer. Speakers include Saleem Osman(?), Yong Xin Huang's sister, Altagracia Mayi, Anibal Carrasquillo…

Footage of protest against police harassment of Chinatown street vendors. John Yong, attorney for the vendors, gives interviews to multiple TV news crews.
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