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1992_November_Lease Drivers Coal. at Ratner's garage_0001_a.jpg
Debi Ray-Chaudhuri of the Lease Drivers Coalition hold Taxis into Tigers sign, Anu Advani to her left, Gayetri Gopinath behind Debi. CAAAV formed the LDC to organize lease drivers to demand safer working conditions, medical benefits, fair hearings…

1994_February_LDC drivers' meeting_0001_a.jpg
Saleem Osman (left) was a CAAAV organizer for the Lease Drivers Coalition. CAAAV formed the LDC to organize lease drivers to demand safer working conditions, medical benefits, fair hearings with the Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC), and better pay.…
Four women, three young and one old, wearing a bindi, sit around a small table with pens and pads of paper on it. One woman is speaking to others in the room off-camera. Behind them is a whiteboard upon which a timetable is partially visible.
A group of Latinx men and women stand together and face the crowd at an indoor memorial event, holding the flag of Mexico and a partially-obscured banner reading “Herir A Uno Es…” (To hurt one is…). Behind them, a man holding the flag of Ecuador…
East Asian American protests in front of Korea Commercial Bank of New York in 1991.
Interracial, political demonstration protesting police brutality and violence against Black and Asian individuals.
Group of demonstrators in New York City protesting against racism, anti-Asian violence etc. Main focus is a boy playing a large red drum and a boy in front of a microphone holding a sign that says, "EBONY AND IVORY LIVE TOGETHER IN BIOPOLARITY.…
Interior shot of a green staircase in shared building with dilapidated and dirty walls.
Protest against then Mayor Giuliani for civil rights violations and police brutality in Chinatown.

1995_July_Yong Xin Huang memorial march_0002.jpg
Hyun Lee is seen giving a speech at a podium behind a poster with Yong Xin Huang's name and photo. This was taken after a march through Manhattan Chinatown on the day before what would have the 17th birthday of this victim of police brutality
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