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1986_December_Howard Beach protest_0010_a.jpg
A group of people are talking under the first CAAAV Banner at a protest at Howard Beach. CAAAV was there in solidarity with black organizers protesting against the police mishandling of the murder of Michael Griffith.
A group of people stand behind a homemade memorial, which is covered in white cloth and topped with incense and candles. At the base of the memorial are signs which read "Free Palestine," "Third World," "No War No Racism," and "Guerrero No Racismo…

1992_May_People of Color Against State Violence_0001_a.jpg
CAAAV representatives gathering at Foley Square for the People of Color Against State Violence protest. They hold a painted banner reading "Asians Against the Racist Police State / The Committee Against Anti Asian Violence."

In these photos, a multiracial group of protestors hold signs and march behind a large banner with the words "END WHITE SUPREMACY NOW." Other visible signs read, "And WHO will PROTECT US from the POLICE?", "People of color against STATE VIOLENCE,"…

1992_May_People of Color Against State Violence_0007_a.jpg
Group of people marching down a street at the People of Color Against State Violence Protest in New York City. Several people march in front of a very large banner, with many more behind it. Signs supporting the protest, including one of a pig…

1992_June_10th anniversary of Vincent Chin's death_0005_a.jpg
People huddled around a group of lit candles placed on steps, each lighting their own candles for a memorial demonstration commemorating the 10th anniversary of the death of Vincent Chin

1992_June_10th anniversary of Vincent Chin's death_0006_a.jpg
Four people holding lit candles at a memorial demonstration commemorating the 10th anniversary of Vincent Chin's killing. Many more people can be seen in the background behind them.

1986_December_Howard Beach protest_0007_a.jpg
Protestors are holding a banner that says "Latinos say no to racism" and another banner that says "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom" at a protest at Howard Beach against the police mishandling of the murder of Michael Griffith.…
Three people in winter coats fill out forms on clipboards at a table. Behind a table, a fourth person is directing them.


Image shows performers and attendees at a sold-out fundraiser concert held by CAAAV at the Public Theater. The benefit featured performances by drumming groups Soh Daiko, Djembe Ensemble, Umuncha, Kindig Sindaw, MAD Rumheros, La Troupe Makandal, and…
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