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A woman performer, barefoot in traditional dress, speaks into a microphone on a stand as she holds a small gong suspended on rope and a mallet in her left hand. She wears a white undershirt with three-quarter sleeves under a floor-length colorful…
The corner storefront of an old building in Chinatown is dilapidated and boarded up. Numerous movie posters are adhered to it. The photograph was taken from the diagonal corner.

A brownstone in Chinatown has a painter's rope balcony suspended halfway up. Four painters are working to paint it a bland tan color in order to attract renters, as both the brownstone and the ground floor, graffitied storefront have "for rent"'…
A woman stands with her back to the camera looking at a gated storefront in Chinatown. Its yellow sign with black Chinese characters is obscured by three "Store for Rent" signs. Its protective grate, like the building to its right, is covered in…
A woman at a microphone makes a speech standing in front of protest signs, the largest of which displays the name and logo of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF).
A woman surrounded by other protestors holds up a white rectangular sign that reads, "'The Protocols of Zion' Anti-Asian Style."
In the middle ground, a sign protesting police brutality is propped up against a pole during a demonstration, protestors surrounding it and in the background. A young boy in a blue tie-dyed shirt stands near another pole in the foreground. The sign…
In the foreground are two women holding large tombstone-shaped signs upon which are written the names and dates of death of Asians and Asian Americans. In the background is other protestors, including a man holding up a similar sign facing away from…
A group of CAAAV members stands on a sidewalk with a large banner held up with two poles that reads, "Stop Racist Violence: Coalition Against Anti-Asian Violence."
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