Browse Items (634 total)
Black and white photograph of a woman standing on a stage and speaking into a microphone. Three performers in traditional dress are posed behind her, one of which is playing a drum.
A woman speaks into a microphone while three demonstrators stand behind her. A banner behind the demonstrators reads, "[ASIAN] AMERICAN [LEGAL] DEFENSE."
Black and white photograph of three performers in traditional dress. Two of the performers kneel on the stage, while the third performer plays a drum behind them.
A multiracial group of demonstrators protests anti-Asian violence. A banner above them reads, "STOP RACIST VIOLENCE" and "COALITION AGAINST ANTI-ASIAN VIOLENCE."
A protestor wearing a white armband raises their fist in solidarity with oppressed peoples. Two additional protestors and a police officer stand in the background.
Five "For Rent" signs are fixed to a building in Chinatown (Manhattan). The signs partially obscure tenants' windows.
Four performers stand against a white curtain on a stage. Another performer breakdances in front of them.
Banner created by the International Socialist Organization at a demonstration in Chinatown. Banner text reads "Stop The Racist Killer Cops" and features illustrations of a red fist and a police officer with a pig's snout. One protestor is carrying…
Black and white photograph of three protestors holding signs that protest welfare reform (one poster is partially obscured). The posters read, "WELFARE 'REFORM' HURTS ASIAN AMERICANS" and "SOUTHEAST ASIANS ARE HERE TO STAY."
Two speakers onstage at an event. Person on left holds a microphone and both hold papers.
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